Micro:bit Basics

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Welcome to the introductory online course on micro:bit 🙂

To start working with micro:bit, you will first get acquainted with its parts, features, and study the instructions for its safe use as a preparation for work.

In this course, you will create several simple programming examples that will introduce you to the world of programming and familiarize you with the basic functionalities of micro:bit. You will learn how to use commands to display images, numbers, text, simple animations on the micro:bit screen, create and use variables, and how to set and check conditions for executing parts of the program code. You will learn how to program and use micro:bit speaker, microphone and radiocommunication. To be fully prepared for the Micro:bit Escape room challenges, you will get to know how to view your code in JavaScript and how to decode messages and solve anagrams.

All you need is curiosity and motivation to learn, along with some equipment: a micro:bit v2, USB cable, computer, and Internet access.

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